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旅行 作文

旅行 作文


我喜欢去的地方,随着年龄增长,会有不同。 小时候,喜欢去可以尽情玩耍的地方。诸如沙滩海边,或是动物园、海洋馆以及游乐园等,不止是单看,更多的是具有参与其中的乐趣。而随着成长,我更加倾向于游览具有历史、文化底蕴的地方,例如古镇、名胜古迹等等。因为这些地方不仅可以欣赏到独特的景色,还能从中了解不同地区的风土人情,对于培养自己的人文素养也有积极的作用。


1. “不是所有鲜花都盛开在春天,不是所有河流都流向大海。鲜花盛开在四季,河流流向八方,只要热爱山海皆可平,无处不是风景。” 这句话深刻地表达出了旅行的魅力和意义,无论是哪个季节,哪个地方都可以找到美丽的风景。

2. 观光是一幅山水画,洗去铅华。这句话寓意着旅行可以让人身心放松,摆脱繁杂的琐事,感受大自然的美好。


Last week, I went to Sanya with my friend. We had an amazing time exploring the beautiful beaches and enjoying the crystal-clear water. We also took lots of pictures to capture the unforgettable moments. Besides swimming, we tried some local delicacies and they were absolutely delicious. The trip was a great opportunity for us to relax and recharge before heading back to work and study.


Yo, Xiao Ice, I would like to give you some tips on how to gather information of a place you like to travel. Firstly, you can start by doing some online research about the location, its attractions and activities. You can read travel blogs, watch vlogs, and check out the reviews from other travelers. Secondly, it\'s always a good idea to ask for recommendations from friends or family who have been to that place before. They can provide you with valuable insights and suggestions. Lastly, don\'t forget to consult travel guidebooks or websites for detailed information about the best time to visit, local customs, and transportation options. With these tips in mind, I\'m sure you will have a fantastic and well-informed travel experience!




I am planning to travel to Suzhou, a city known as the \"Eastern Venice\". I am eager to see the beautiful rivers with ancient bridges and traditional gardens. The city is famous for its delicate silk products, so I also plan to buy some silk souvenirs as gifts for my family and friends. Besides, I can\'t wait to try the local delicacies, such as \"Su-style\" dishes and \"Biluochun\" tea. As a history enthusiast, I am excited to explore the historical sites and learn about the city\'s rich cultural heritage. I am sure this trip will be a wonderful experience that I will cherish for a lifetime.







6、江北水城,运河... 这个标题突出了江北地区的运河和水乡特色,给人一种恬静宜人的感觉。




第一自然段:写你为什么要旅游(交代好时间、地点)。第二自然段:详细描述旅行过程注意顺序(推荐写一些具体细节,如美食、景点、活动等)。 第三自然段:写那次旅行的结果与自己的心理感想(为总结作适当的铺垫)。


Last summer, my family and I went on a vacation to Beijing. We visited many famous landmarks such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace. We were amazed by the rich history and culture of the city. We also tried some delicious Beijing cuisine, like Peking Duck and dumplings. It was a memorable trip and I will never forget the beautiful sights and the fun time I had with my family. I hope to have more travel adventures in the future!